UGEITI Background

Uganda Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative – UGEITI

The Uganda Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (UGEITI) was established following a Cabinet decision on 28th January 2019. The Cabinet tasked the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development to put in place the necessary institutional framework to enable Uganda to become an EITI member country.

The decision to join EITI was informed by the appreciation of the values that EITI promotes with regard to disclosure of information about the whole extractive governance chain from allocation and ownership of licenses; to the contractual, legal and fiscal terms; production and export; the revenues received by Government from extractive companies, and the allocation of those revenues.

EITI implementation in Uganda is steered by a Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG) comprised of representatives from the 3 stakeholder constituencies: Government, extractive companies and Civil Society Organizations. The MSG is supported by a Secretariat (UGEITI Secretariat) which coordinates EITI implementation on a day-to-day basis.

The objectives of EITI include among others, to promote transparency in the extractive sector, strengthen revenue management and accountability, build the capacity of stakeholders to ensure good governance, strengthen government and company systems, inform public dialogue and decision making, and enhance trust among stakeholders.